Sunday, August 26, 2007


I'm kind of in a daze right now. I'm shell-shocked. I feel weird and unnatural. Something just isn't right.

I just watched High School Musical.

Yes, I fell victim to the hype. I had to witness with my own eyes the whirlwind of cheeseball Disney pop culture that is taking America by storm.

I am so drenched in Disney wholesomeness right now that I think if I drop any F-bombs in the next 24 hours that I might have a seizure.

I'm not even really sure if I liked it, or not.


towwas said...

I own it on DVD, baby. It's AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are a dork. I saw the commercial for that with some guy with a huge affro and immediately changed the channel. I hope it was worth the time, cause that is two hours you will never get back. By the way, when are you officially moved, will you be gone September 8/9?


J-Vo said...

Thanks, bro. Just for that ringing indictment, we WILL NOT be around on 9/8!!! :)

Anonymous said...

You are welcome!! Were the CAPITAL LETTERS to show anger at my response. :) If you are gone that weekend, I guess I'll have to wait til Oct for a visit. By the way did they all wear tie die shirts in High School musical, I think it would go well with the Affro.


J-Vo said...

we should be in our new home on 9/8 and 9/9. Our moving truck will be loaded on the 5th and unloaded up north on the 6th.