Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Enough already!

OK, crazy tree-huggers, I've had about enough of your intimidation. I already buy organic, recycle like a crazy fool, bring my own bags to the grocery store, and avoid bottled water like the plague...now get off my frickin' back about buying locally! Yar! I cannot stand the guilt that has begun to wash over me when I buy bananas. Yes, I know it is better for the local economy and environment to support local farmers, but tell me, wise ones, what I am supposed to feed my family in the winter? Pemmican?

Guilt can only go so far, though. A-Vo wears disposable diapers and I am TOTALLY fine with that. Yeah.


J.Po said...

The chicks with kids in my neck of the woods report that someone did the math on the diaper thing. The energy required to wash cloth diapers is roughly equivalent to the carbon footprint of disposables. So there, all you high and mighty cloth diaper users!

towwas said...

Clearly you need to read this op-ed from yesterday's Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/06/opinion/06mcwilliams.html

J-Vo said...

YES! Complete absolution on both disposable diapers AND eating food from South America, all in 1 post!

J-Vo said...