Thursday, August 2, 2007

New poll! Please vote now:

What have I learned about my faithful readers from my polls?

1) There are about 8 of you.
2) We are satisfied with our health insurance.
3) Premade sandwiches at the gas station are scary.
4) If I were to serve you a sausage buffet, it should include bratwurst and Polish sausage.

Now for the next question...what totally made-up expression should I try to popularize using my powerful position as super-blogger? (think "major," or "MAY-jah" a la Posh)


J.Po said...

The overt thing should win. Half of American doesn't know what "overt" means. You'd be both trend-setting and edumicating.

Anonymous said...

I love how immediately after you vote the overall results pop up with a link called 'Change your vote' down below... Oh SHOOT, I didn't choose the winning answer? I'd better change my vote to what everyone else said.
Phew. Close one!