Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ok then...

This weekend, I was in Downtown Grrbear's Town, at a course for Docs Like Me. It's always fun to wander around the area, because it so refreshing to be in a place where most of the tourists look dorkier than you do. Ego boost much? Anyhow, it's amusing for me to see what shopping bags people are carrying around. See, if I was going to take the time, trouble, and $$$ to shop Down There as my vacation, I think I'd go to stores that I actually don't ever get to shop in. So you wouldn't find me carrying around bags from American Eagle and Abercrombie, which by my calculations can be found in ALMOST EVERY MALL IN AMERICA. People! Come on!

It's like eating at Applebee's when you go Europe. You just don't do it.


Stacey Pelika said...

I've always wondered that with the Mall of America. Like, it has the same stores as every other mall on the planet, just more of them in one location. And sure, it has an amusement park (not a great one) and some other attractions, but nothing that spectacular. Yet it's a huge tourist destination. "I went to The Gap at Mall of America!" Uh, oooh?

J-Vo said...

True. At least the MOA has tons of weird stores that you don't see other places. Like the Hello Kitty store, for example.

towwas said...

And the barbie store. So they can make their own dacquiris.

grrrbear said...

I remember when the MOA first opened it had a store that sold art made of twisted wire and preserved butterflies. *That* was interesting, but they were all like $eleventy billion, so I don't think they actually sold any and closed about 8 months later.