Saturday, May 5, 2007

Good grief, part 2.

Today the Vo family went on a brief shopping expedition that found us next door to Chuck E. Cheese at 9 AM. Chuck E. Cheese is OPEN at 9 AM.

As I said to T-Vo, "What, do they have a breakfast buffet?"

Because god forbid that children in American not be able to play video games and eat pizza at 9 AM on Saturdays!!


Stacey Pelika said...

Gross. You should have gone in to see if there were actually people in there! And what they were eating. But that might have resulted in an A.Vo meltdown when you tried to leave. Alternate strategy: one of you goes in, the other stays outside and keeps A.Vo away from the seductive bright lights, loud music, and crappy food.

J-Vo said...

People WERE in there at 9 AM (we could see through the window). And we saw more people going in at 10, when we left.

Annie said...

I went to Chuck E. Cheese recently. J. Po's former neighbor took me there on a "first date" in a bid to be unique and playful. It just came off as... controlling and greasy.

J-Vo said...

Not to mention slightly creepy!

towwas said...

Oh, Sophist, yuck!!