Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I don't care!

Despite the fact that I'm being outvoted 5-1, I remain committed to my belief that Little House on the Prairie is indeed a Western. And how many of you naysayers have actually read the whole series of books? I bet zero.

Which leads me to my next topic: how is it that the Marquette Golden Warriors were forced by the PC police to change their mascot to the Golden Eagles, while the Washington Redskins remain the same??? A golden warrior is a generic description of a fighter. "Redskin" is DEROGATORY. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

Actually it was just 'Warriors.'

The current mascot is the Golden Eagles.

I still have no idea how Redskins is OK, or how the Cleveland Indians have a mascot named Chief Wahoo and no one seems to care.


towwas said...

I've read the whole series of books but I've never seen the TV show. I think I went with option 3.

MktgGirl said...

I, too, have read the full series of books and enjoyed them more than the TV series, though the show has its moments.