Sunday, April 15, 2007

Exceptionally slow lane

Today at Target, A-Vo and I were making our weekly run for diapers, wipes, and cereal. Apparently, so was the rest of the civilized world. When we arrived at the checkout, it was disheartening to see that each line stretched for miles around the store. That's when we had the brilliant idea to utilize the express lane, since we had far fewer than 10 items. This strategy was completely blown to crap when the checker asked the guy 2 people in front of us if he wanted to apply for a Target credit card. Hel-LO! Idiots! The point of an EXPRESS lane is to go QUICKLY, and waiting for some dude to be approved for his Target credit card is not my idea of in-and-out service. And for god's sake! Getting the 15% discount on your purchase is only worthwhile if you are making a big-ticket purchase, which in the express lane would equate to 3 iPods and 6 digital cameras, neither of which were in his cart.

So, about 4 days later, we collected our diapers and went on our way- none the worse for the wear, but certainly having lost faith in the sanctity of the express lane.

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