Thursday, September 13, 2007

Not to become the Family Circus.

Being at home with A-Vo for 2 months is going to be awesome (anyone wanna come visit??? Please do!!!), but I think my blog fodder will become severely at-risk for becoming the Family Circus.
Just so you know.

So to combat this, I feel that I must expound upon the disaster that we all know as...Britney Spears. What to say that hasn't been said since this past Sunday? Well, clearly she was under the mistaken impression that bribing a man to marry you and shooting out his babies will make all your problems and unhappiness and bipolar disorder which I swear she has go away. And also that you have to practice your talents to keep them. And you can't drink 10 Red Bulls a day at 110 calories a pop and not see an ounce.


towwas said...

Eh, I like funny A.Vo stories. Also, Britney: she should really hire a handler.

J-Vo said...

The sad thing is- I think she thinks she has, if by "Handler" you actually mean "yes-man."

grrrbear said...

I think part of the problem is that she fired all her old handlers who knew what they were doing.

Way to fight off the FC-ness though. I swear, if you start blogging about "Not Me" and "Ida Know" I'm dropping your link because the J.Vo I admire will be dead to me.