Monday, May 5, 2008

More butt talk.

Speaking of butts, I have developed the dreaded pregnancy complication of sciatica. This means that my right butt cheek hurts pretty much all the time. Also, it forces me to preferentially sit on the left side. This is the setup to the following story:

Yesterday, I was sitting on the floor with A-Vo, getting Nu-Vo's room ready (note: really, I should not be sitting on the floor. Like ever. 1) Because it takes a crane to haul my ass off the floor, and 2) b/c of the ass issue. But I still keep doing it, no matter what happens on the way up. I think I am immune to aversion therapy. Anyway.) And, I was sitting on my left butt cheek, on top of my foot. Felt OK at the time.

Fast forward 10 minutes, and A-Vo has to use the potty. So, because of the whole crane-hauling issue, I told her to go start and that I'd be there in a second. She runs to the potty, and then I hear a SPLASH!!! followed by, "I just fell in the potty!"

Being the closest parent geographically, I leapt to my feet and began running to the bathroom to fish out my toilet-water soaked daughter (picture a head, 2 arms and 2 legs sticking out of the toilet), only to realize that my left foot, as a consequence of the 100% left cheek favoritism, had fallen asleep. Totally and completely numb. So imagine me in all my pregtastic glory, trying to get to the bathroom, dragging a dead leg behind me, all the while A-Vo wailing about being stuck in the potty. I felt like Quasimodo.

Moral of the story: pregnant women should stick with chairs. Not floors.

1 comment:

grrrbear said...

Maybe it's time to consider investing in a Hoverround or one of those electric scooter/wheelchairs designed for old/fat/lazy people?

Or maybe a Segway - because standing is so much less "white trash" than sitting...